Thursday, April 28, 2016

Cheez-It Star Wars Edition

I was in the mood for a snack today so my mom gave me a box of Cheez-Its.  But they were not ordinary Cheez-Its.  No, they were Special Edition Star Wars Cheez-Its!

This looks like a job for...


... Ajdin Salmonfisher!

First I'll open the box using my Fish powers.


Now I'll carefully examine the Cheez-Its.

Look, there's R2D2, C3PO, Chewbearca, an X-Wing Fighter, the Millenium Fish, and a Salmontrooper!

Now I'll make them disappear using my Fish powers.

*nom nom nom*

May the Fish be with you!


  1. Yummy crackers! May the Fish be with you!

  2. Excellent demonstration of two Fish powers: Force Telekinesis and Force Appetite.
